The next day after going to Getty Museum, we joined a bus trip to see Hollywood celebrities' houses.

Steven Spielberg's house.

This one is very cool. It seems there is a palace after the walls.

And we took pictures with celebrities' footprints. This plate is is... Harry Potter!


My mom, dad, and my aunt came to LA for one week. It is to say that they come to watch me rather than to see the sights. Anyway, I still had good time then. No money to pay for dinner, no bothering for where to go.

The first 2 days they settled my furnitures in my room for me. Then we went to Getty Museum, a large museum exhibiting a good deal of artworks. The place of the museum owned originally by the man Getty. After he died his assets and gatherings were donated to the public.

And his garden:

It's not forbidden to take pictures in the museum. We joined the tourism, and started from paintings. There are some world famous paintings in the museum.
I think I've saw this one. It is scanned to be proved that the painter repainted it to cover something...

Vivid picture...I can't believe it's a painting.

I like this painting: It shows peaceful and enriched European life, though I haven't ever been there. I bought the copy of it in the store.

Here comes the world-famous paintings...all are displayed in one chamber of the museum. And...they are in Los Angeles!!

Vincent van Gogh(梵谷):

Claude Monet(莫內)'s painting:

Edgar Degas's painting:

The life of 18th century:

Double desk.

Wow they already knew to set up a deck in the front of the desk for keyboards:

Modern artwork.


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