San Francisco is really a beautiful city. You can see hills and the sea here. It is also an old city with many graceful buildings. The photos of the buildings will be in my Day 3 post. In the first day I went with my uncle to the shore.

Golden Gate Bridge:

The wind is very cold. Here is a good place for taking pictures :)

I was very cold...but look at the buddy jogging by. XD

Below the bridge there were people playing this new kind of surfing.

Concrete post.

The view from Golden Gate Bridge.

From the pier down the bridge

The other side

Cute sea gull

He's watching me

They caught a sea star. Actually they intended to catch crabs, but they were amazed that this little thing was also greedy!

Anything in America is so...huge ><

Very beautiful night. It's a pity that I should have taken my tripod, and should have let the exposure time longer.



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